


  1. Lionel messi was fantastic . he is like water . he flows everywhere
  2. Messi is exceptional , while kaka is an absolute genius - who wouldn ` t want him ?
  3. I want somebody who can look at all the fiacts - - ti red of messi ng with you , man
  4. - i want somebody who can look at all the fiacts - ti red of messi ng with you , man
    -我想找到一个可以看到所有真相的人… … -没兴趣跟你玩了,老兄
  5. I want somebody who can look at all the fiacts - - - ti red of messi ng with you , man
    我想找到一个可以看到所有真相的人… … -没兴趣跟你玩了,老兄
  6. It's difficult to find messi in a sentence. 用messi造句挺难的
  7. How pleased were you with your performance against lionel messi at barcelona last season
  8. However , he did indulge on a possible move to barcelona , and on playing with lionel messi
  9. This cute video shows lionel messi playing football with two young kids , apparently one is his brother
  10. Jorge valdano said that the miracle is called i read messi . vos also you see him things of maradona
  11. Rijkaard thus follows lionel messi in declaring his admiration for the brazilian international forward
  12. It took a very well judged sliding challenge from carvalho to end messi ' s menacing run into the box as half - time approached
  13. The liverpool captain is up against gennaro gattuso , cristiano ronaldo , franck ribery and lionel messi for the right - wing slot
    利物浦队长将同加图索、 c ?罗纳尔多、里贝里以及梅西竞争最佳右前卫。
  14. Six minutes from time a messi header looped onto the roof of the net but chelsea were preserving the lead without recourse to panic
  15. The 15 year - old has been likened to barcelona star leo messi and those close to talks say he is keen on moving to italy
  16. There was more good news for argentina ' s world cup hopes as barcelona attacker lionel messi made his comeback after two months out injured
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


  1. "messge"造句
  2. "messgram"造句
  3. "messhall"造句
  4. "messhof"造句
  5. "messhouse"造句
  6. "messi foundation"造句
  7. "messia"造句
  8. "messiaen"造句
  9. "messiaens"造句
  10. "messiah"造句

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