


  1. The great walks the small without fear . the midding keep aloof
  2. Asyqd - e model series of computer midding dual - unwinding dual - rewinding
    Asyqd - e型系列电脑中档双收双放凹版印刷机
  3. While tom was eating his supper , and stealing sugar as opportunity offered , aunt polly asked him questions that were full of guile , and very deep - for she wanted to trap him into damaging revealments . like many other simple - hearted souls , it was her pet vanity to believe she was endowed with a talent for dark and mysterious diplomacy , and she loved to contemplate her most transparent devices as marvels of low cunning . she said : " tom , it was midding warm in school , wasn ' t it ?
    吃晚饭的时候,汤姆一有机会就偷糖吃,波利姨妈问了他几个莫名其妙且藏有陷阱的问题,为的是使汤姆落入圈套说出实话来.跟其他许多单纯善良的人一样,她很自以为是,相信自己很有点子,手段精明,把那些极易被人识破的伎俩当做最高明的计策,她说: "汤姆,学校里挺热的,对吧?
  4. It's difficult to find midding in a sentence. 用midding造句挺难的


  1. "middha"造句
  2. "middian"造句
  3. "middie"造句
  4. "middies"造句
  5. "middin"造句
  6. "middis"造句
  7. "middle"造句
  8. "middle - age spread"造句
  9. "middle - aged man"造句
  10. "middle - class family"造句

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