


  1. Many in the Republican Party have become mealy-mouthed mollifiers of militias,
  2. A well known " full " version is obtained by adding the mollifiers as second indexing set.
  3. Bump functions are often used as mollifiers, as smooth cutoff functions, and to form smooth partitions of unity.
  4. They are also known as "'Friedrichs mollifiers "'after Kurt Otto Friedrichs, who introduced them.
  5. Mollifiers were introduced by Kurt Otto Friedrichs in his paper, considered a watershed in the modern theory of partial differential equations.
  6. It's difficult to find mollifiers in a sentence. 用mollifiers造句挺难的
  7. Mollifiers are an important special case of bump functions as they can be used in distribution theory to create sequences of smooth functions approximating nonsmooth ( generalized ) functions, via convolution.
  8. He called his Republican colleagues " mealy-mouthed mollifiers of militias " and accused them of not wanting to " upset the radical fringe of their own party ."
  9. One of the most important applications of smooth functions with compact support is the construction of so-called mollifiers, which are important in theories of generalized functions, like e . g.
  10. In mathematics, "'mollifiers "'( also known as " approximations to the identity " ) are smooth functions with special properties, used for example in ( generalized ) functions, via convolution.
  11. It must be pointed out that there is a little misunderstanding in the concept of mollifier : Friedrichs defined as " "'mollifier "'" the integral operator whose kernel is one of the functions nowadays called mollifiers.
  12. Previously, Sergei Sobolev used mollifiers in his epoch making 1938 paper, which contains the proof of the Sobolev embedding theorem : himself acknowledged Sobolev's work on mollifiers stating that :-" " These mollifiers were introduced by Sobolev and the author . . . " ".
  13. Previously, Sergei Sobolev used mollifiers in his epoch making 1938 paper, which contains the proof of the Sobolev embedding theorem : himself acknowledged Sobolev's work on mollifiers stating that :-" " These mollifiers were introduced by Sobolev and the author . . . " ".
  14. Previously, Sergei Sobolev used mollifiers in his epoch making 1938 paper, which contains the proof of the Sobolev embedding theorem : himself acknowledged Sobolev's work on mollifiers stating that :-" " These mollifiers were introduced by Sobolev and the author . . . " ".
  15. Led by Schumer, who castigated his fellow Republicans as " mealy-mouthed mollifiers of militias, " witness after witness described harrowing incidents against public officials _ among them, city judges, clerk-recorders and even an attempted shooting of a U . S . Forest Service biologist in California.


  1. "mollification"造句
  2. "mollifications"造句
  3. "mollifie"造句
  4. "mollified"造句
  5. "mollifier"造句
  6. "mollifies"造句
  7. "mollify"造句
  8. "mollifying"造句
  9. "mollifyingly"造句
  10. "molligoda"造句

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