


  1. Like him they were nonentities .
  2. How could such a nonentity become chairman of the company
  3. She s a useful nonentity
    “她是个有用的废物! ”
  4. What universal binomial denominations would be his as entity and nonentity ? assumed by any or known to none
  5. Aged 76 , he succumbed to a rare moment of self - pity : “ so i am to become a nonentity , am i ? ”
    当他七十六岁时,他忍不住地自怜起来, “难道我现在就成了这样一个无名之人吗?
  6. It's difficult to find nonentity in a sentence. 用nonentity造句挺难的
  7. Martin asked . " men , intelligent men , and not the gibbering nonentities i found you consorting with in that trader s den
  8. Your customer and nonentity , or your forum password mistake , or your account number have beened targeted by the managing person
  9. Through entity and nonentity value action analysis , we emphasis on study on system operation of logistics in integrated supply chain
  10. Seryozhka in himself is a nonentity , a sluggard , a drunkard , and a wastrel , but when he has his red lead or compasses in his hand he is at once something higher , a servant of god
  11. Do you think it was ? well , hear how he goes on : " it is thus slowly passing , with a slowness inconceivable in our measures of time , to new creative conditions , amid which the physical world , as we at present know it , will he represented by a ripple barely to be distinguished from nonentity .
    “好罢,听听下文罢:宇宙便这样慢馒地过去,电得非我们所能思议,而到了一种新的创造的情境,在这种情境里,我们今日所见的物质世界,将变成一种飘渺的波纹,这种波纹与虚无是无甚分别的。 ”


  1. "nonenterprise"造句
  2. "nonentertainment"造句
  3. "nonenthusiast"造句
  4. "nonentities"造句
  5. "nonentitlement"造句
  6. "nonentomologists"造句
  7. "nonentrepreneurial"造句
  8. "nonenveloped"造句
  9. "nonenveloped virus"造句
  10. "nonenvironmental"造句

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