


  1. The rounded to obconic shrub typically grows to a height of.
  2. It produces 2 4 mm obconic green to brown fruit.
  3. It spikelets are obconic and are violet in colour.
  4. The obconic ) form of the peridia.
  5. As a fungal example the species " Pocillum cesatii " is noted to have an obconic ascospore.
  6. It's difficult to find obconic in a sentence. 用obconic造句挺难的
  7. The multi-stemmed and obconic shrub crowns sparse to sub-dense and typically grows to a height of with a width of.
  8. The erect, obconic shrub typically grows to a height of with grey bark on the trunk that lightens to yellow brown on upper branches.
  9. Its shape is from an inverted cone ( obconic ) to funnel-shaped ( funneliform ) or cylindrical, and is surmounted by the more distal corona.
  10. This species is characterized by its very small peridia ( dimensions 1.5 3 mm wide at the mouth x 2 4 mm tall ) with a color that may range from white to grey to pale obconic, thin-walled ( 150 180 祄 at the lip, approximately 300 祄 thick at the edge of the lip ), tomentose on the outer side and smooth on the inner side, and taper to a narrow base.


  1. "obc quota"造句
  2. "obce"造句
  3. "obcene"造句
  4. "obcenity"造句
  5. "obchod na korze"造句
  6. "obconica"造句
  7. "obconical"造句
  8. "obcordata"造句
  9. "obcordate"造句
  10. "obcs"造句

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