


  1. Treatment of fundus oculi bleeding by using 8 kinds of therapies
  2. Chalcosis oculi is an uncommon disease entity
  3. Introduction on some methods for treating hemorrhage of fundus oculi
  4. Orbicularis oculi muscle
  5. Suturing orbicularis oculi to the septum orbitale for treating senile inferior entropion
  6. It's difficult to find oculi in a sentence. 用oculi造句挺难的
  7. Improve orbicularis oculi muscle override and suturing the orbicularis oculi muscle for treating senile inferior entropion
  8. And they mean it : they smile with their eyes ( a contraction of the orbicularis oculi facial muscles ) , not just their mouths
    这意味着:他们用眼睛微笑(面部上睑提肌肌肉的收缩) ,而不仅仅是他们的嘴。
  9. We reported a case of chalcosis oculi with a piece of pure copper wire embedded in the 6 - o ' clock position of anterior chamber angle for five years
  10. The brow fat pad lies directly posterior to the eyebrow skin and orbicularis oculus muscle and aids in smooth gliding of the eyebrow with animation
  11. Retroorbicularis oculus fat ( roof ) is in reality an extension of the brow fat pad that lies along the superior orbital rim and directly deep to the orbicularis muscle
  12. Methods on 236 cases of baggy deformities of lower eyelid , transconjunctival orbital fat removal , partial skin removal , orbicularis oculi musculoplasty , transcutaneous orbital fat removal and reinforcement of supporting structures of lower eyelids , or orbital fat preservation blepharoplasty were used according to patients individual conditions
    方法对236例睑袋患者,根据具体情况采用结膜径路的眶脂去除术( 41例) 、单纯松弛皮肤去除术( 25例) 、单纯眼轮匝肌整复术( 8例) 、皮肤径路的眶脂去除下睑支持结构加固术( 149例)以及保留眶脂的睑袋整复术( 13例)进行整复。


  1. "oculata"造句
  2. "oculate"造句
  3. "oculatus"造句
  4. "ocule"造句
  5. "oculesics"造句
  6. "oculi sunday"造句
  7. "oculina"造句
  8. "oculina bank"造句
  9. "oculina diffusa"造句
  10. "oculina varicosa"造句

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