

  1. Virtually all that is known of Odorannus is the information he himself provides in his work.
  2. Odorannus died at Saint-Pierre-le-Vif in 1046 after having finished the corpus of his works in 1045.
  3. Under the year 1023 in his Chronicle, Odorannus refers to his being sent away from Saint-Pierre-le-Vif for a time, staying instead at the well-known abbey of Saint Denis.
  4. In the middle of the 10th century the relics of these two saints were hidden in a subterranean vault of the Abbey of St-Pierre le Vif to escape the pillage of the Hungarians, but in 1031 they were placed in a reliquary established by the writer Odorannus, a monk at Pierre le Vif.
  5. When Odorannus was about thirty years old, the Capetian King Robert the Pious of France ( r . 996-1031 ) commissioned him to create a great reliquary to house the remains of Saint Savinianus, the first bishop of Sens . Odorannus "'Chronicle " describes in detail the interesting circumstances of this commission.
  6. It's difficult to find odorannus in a sentence. 用odorannus造句挺难的
  7. When Odorannus was about thirty years old, the Capetian King Robert the Pious of France ( r . 996-1031 ) commissioned him to create a great reliquary to house the remains of Saint Savinianus, the first bishop of Sens . Odorannus "'Chronicle " describes in detail the interesting circumstances of this commission.


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