


  1. A . an overpopulated earth will be unable to sustain its inhabitants
  2. Countries in which the rainforests are located are mostly poor and overpopulated
  3. It s not that we are overpopulated , really . we are just not spread out evenly
  4. Laughter it s not that we are overpopulated , really . we re just not spread out evenly
  5. The countries in which the rainforests are located are all quite poor and overpopulated
  6. It's difficult to find overpopulate in a sentence. 用overpopulate造句挺难的
  7. The term realm split describes the process of taking an overpopulated realm and dividing the population between two new realms
    服务器分割就是把一个玩家过剩的服务器拆分成2个新的服务器,好比把一个鸡蛋切成2个。当然前提是它是熟的。 。 。
  8. A . i . is based on a short story by brian aldiss that illustrates the isolation inherent in an overpopulated , high - tech world
  9. Critics have long warned about the consequences of building the dam in the overpopulated , geologically fragile and culturally rich three gorges region
  10. While the eldest in an overpopulated brood has it relatively easy ? getting 100 % of the food the parents have available ? things get stretched thinner when a second - born comes along
    在一方面过多的兄弟姐妹中的最年长的孩子会相对比较宽松- -拥有父母全部食物- -但是在第二胎出生时后,资源就少了。
  11. With a little genetic tinkering , fast ? growing fish and freeze resistant fruits will help feed an overpopulated planet , but such hybrids could unwittingly wipe out the food chain
  12. Some nations make war with each other because they want to expand their economic power . in order to feed their overpopulated countries , they fight to gain more land , to gain more of the economic market , et cetera . it all has to do with the body
  13. Of course , if the earth were to become overpopulated , we can imagine sending families in space vessels to colonize the nearest stars . but it ' s their great - great - great - grandchildren who would finally reach those stars . and they wouldn ' t even know where to stop


  1. "overpolished"造句
  2. "overpolluted"造句
  3. "overpompous"造句
  4. "overponderous"造句
  5. "overpool"造句
  6. "overpopulated"造句
  7. "overpopulates"造句
  8. "overpopulating"造句
  9. "overpopulation"造句
  10. "overpopulation in companion animals"造句

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