


  1. Effect of wasp symbionts wolbachia on the thelytokous parthenogenesis of trichogramma cacoeciae
  2. But are cloned cells ? or those generated through parthenogenesis ? normal
  3. The application study on spring wheat breeding of parthenogenesis induced by chemicals
  4. Studies and application parthenogenesis breeding of dwarf and abortive wheat induced by chemical
  5. Two diploid gametes may fuse to give a tetraploid zygote , or gamete may develop directly by parthenogenesis
  6. It's difficult to find parthenogenesis in a sentence. 用parthenogenesis造句挺难的
  7. We are eager for the day when we will be able to offer therapeutic cloning or cell therapy arising from parthenogenesis to sick patients
  8. The results show that the blastomere nuclei of ? xenopus laevis induces the parthenogenesis of unfertilized egg in ? bufo raddei
  9. In our parthenogenesis experiments , we exposed 22 eggs to chemicals that changed the concentration of charged atoms called ions inside the cells
  10. Two kinds of compound ( nonylphenol and octyl phenol ) can not only decrease the number of the reproduction , but also affect the parthenogenesis of daphnia magua straus
    结果表明,急性毒性较大的烷基酚,例如4 -辛基酚和4 -壬基酚对大型蚤的生殖毒性产生影响。
  11. These bacteria are transmitted through the cytoplasm of eggs and have evolved various mechanisms for manipulating reproduction of their hosts , including cytoplasimic incompatibility ( ci ) , parthenogenesis , feminization , male killing , fecundity or fertility modifying etc . wolbachia are common and widespread bacteria infecting 17 % insect population , 17 crustacean species , mites and many nematodes
    这些共生菌通过母系遗传参与调控寄主的多种生殖活动,包括细胞质不亲和现象、诱导孤雌生殖现象、雌性化、雄性致死以及调节寄主生殖力等。 wolbachia的分布十分广泛,目前已经发现在超过17的昆虫种群以及17种甲壳纲动物、螨虫、线虫体内发现了它的存在。
  12. Several vegetative clones of male or female gametophytes of u . pinnatifida has been induced and parthenogenesis of female gametophytes has been observed . 90 % of the gametophytes can grow into young sporophytes one month after fertilization . no staining background of either lacz or gus was found in different tissues of u . pinnatifida
    进行裙带菜配子体孤雌生殖、孤雄生殖和雌雄受精的再生途径实验,结果没有得到孤雄生殖的裙带菜,孤雌生殖的效率低、时间长且发育不正常,雌雄受精的再生途径一个月左右90 %以上的雌配子体都正常萌发成幼孢子体。


  1. "parthenocissus"造句
  2. "parthenocissus dalzielii"造句
  3. "parthenocissus quinquefolia"造句
  4. "parthenocissus tricuspidata"造句
  5. "parthenocissuss"造句
  6. "parthenogenesis in reptiles"造句
  7. "parthenogenetic"造句
  8. "parthenogenetic cleavage"造句
  9. "parthenogenetic development"造句
  10. "parthenogenetic diploid"造句

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