


  1. Its patrician dignity was a picturesque sham .
  2. The roman patricians were clever enough to beat every such potential tyrant by giving in to a certain extent to the plebeians .
  3. The majority of senators continued to be patricians
  4. - i am no patrician . - exactly
  5. I am no patrician . - exactly
  6. It's difficult to find patrician in a sentence. 用patrician造句挺难的
  7. She was in the high school , and had notions of life which were decidedly those of a patrician
  8. Anyone who was not a member of the patrician class , including many of the recent nobility , the wealthy and the influential , was considered to be a commoner
  9. Major cavalcanti , a worthy patrician of lucca , a descendant of the cavalcanti of florence , " continued monte cristo , reading aloud , " possessing an income of half a million
    卡瓦尔康蒂少校,一位可敬的卢卡贵族,佛罗伦萨卡瓦尔康蒂族后裔, ”基督山大声往下念着, “每年收入五十万。 ”
  10. She was not a patrician like some of the now - celebrated female travellers of the 18th century but an under - educated woman of tremendous guts who liked to be on the move in foreign cultures
  11. The company now provides passton and patrician series of brandy xo ( gift - box - packed ) , single - bottle brandy , single - bottle whisky , single - bottle vodka and dry red wine , covering over 50 kinds of items
    公司产品有“派斯顿”系列, “贵族”系列,白兰地xo礼盒,白兰地单瓶,威士忌系列单瓶,伏特加单瓶,干红葡萄酒等共五十多个品种。
  12. The complaint had sometimes made itself audible , even in that deaf city and dumb age , that , in the narrow streets without footways , the fierce patrician custom of hard driving endangered and maimed the mere vulgar in a barbarous manner
  13. Many , also , who were not aware of the circumstances attending his withdrawal from paris , were struck with the worthy appearance , the gentlemanly bearing , and the knowledge of the world displayed by the old patrician , who certainly played the nobleman very well , so long as he said nothing , and made no arithmetical calculations
  14. Had kind fate but willed her to be born a gentlewoman of high degree in her own right and had she only received the benefit of a good education gerty macdowell might easily have held her own beside any lady in the land and have seen herself exquisitely gowned with jewels on her brow and patrician suitors at her feet vying with one another to pay their devoirs to her
  15. As a safeguard against despotism , the former administrative duties of the king - the conduct of military campaigns , the management of public finance , and the control of legislation - were distributed at the beginning of each year between two men , usually elected by the senate from the patrician class , who served on an annual , rotating basis
  16. At the same time , i conclude from questionnaire the common problems in entrepreneurs " behavior during the process of acculturation . chapter six is the end of the article . after summarization of the whole thesis , i put forward some practical measures in order to provide a theoretical guidance to patricians


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