


  1. additionally, the audit committee will consider incentives and pressures on management which could lead to the perpetration of fraud
  2. but for my aid, his life would have burned away in torments, within the first two years after the perpetration of his crime and thine
  3. table 4 further illustrates that the rates of perpetration increased steadily in upper forms of primary schools and as students advanced to secondary schools
  4. so some criminals began committing perpetration through qq, such as some illegal operation or deal, seduction of some pure young lady or dissemination of some pornographic picture or live show
  5. from this view of things, then, comes the axiom that if you visit to discover the author of any bad action, seek first to discover the person to whom the perpetration of that bad action could be in any way advantageous
  6. It's difficult to find perpetrations in a sentence. 用perpetrations造句挺难的
  7. the guilt is conceived as greater or less according to the greater or lesser knowledge of the conditions in which the man judged is placed, the greater or less interval of time between the perpetration of the crime and the judgment of it, and the greater or less comprehension of the causes that led to the act


  1. "perpetrate a fraud"造句
  2. "perpetrated"造句
  3. "perpetrates"造句
  4. "perpetrating"造句
  5. "perpetration"造句
  6. "perpetrator"造句
  7. "perpetrator walk"造句
  8. "perpetrators"造句
  9. "perpetua"造句
  10. "perpetua and felicitas"造句

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