


  1. This was an Italian-built carnival coaster such as a Pinfari Zyklon.
  2. It uses the newer Pinfari trains, which can be seen on rides built from the mid 1990s onwards.
  3. In October 2008, the park's Pinfari Roller Coaster, Storm was removed from the park and sold.
  4. :: : I recently updated the Pinfari wiki page and while doing research discovered the company built over 200 Zyklon coasters.
  5. It is not the first time the Zyklon Loop, sold by the Mantova-based Pinfari company, has run into trouble.
  6. It's difficult to find pinfari in a sentence. 用pinfari造句挺难的
  7. This is a steel rollercoaster manufactured by Pinfari running with single car trains which reach a height of and speeds of 36 km / h.
  8. In the late 1990s Pinfari introduced a new model to eventually replace the Zyklon, although the Zyklon was still offered in the ride catalog.
  9. The name " Zyklon " on portable roller coasters made since 1965 by Pinfari provoked protests among Jewish groups in the U . S . in 1993, 1999, and 2011.
  10. This ride is a one-of-a-kind of ride because shortly after this ride opened Pinfari went Morey's Pier's Surfside Pier from 2000-2004.
  11. Pinfari continued to expand its product line offering a junior inverted coaster in 1999 and a suspended looping coaster, with the first two suspended looping models going to Nigloland in France and Moreno's Parks, a traveling show in Brazil.
  12. A World Wide Web search indicated " Zyklon " is also used as the name for a German-made floor sander, a Norwegian heavy metal band, and a roller coaster made since the 1960s by Italian firm Pinfari and in use in five U . S . amusement parks.
  13. The park, connected to the light rail line at the latter's Delta station, originally included " Tronador " ( a Pinfari Zyklon Loop rollercoaster ), " El Drag髇 " water coaster, the " La Vuelta al Mundo " ferris wheel, " El Oct骻ono " stage, an amphitheatre, a musical fountain, and other attractions.


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