


  1. Pinsent has written and drawn his own small press comics since 1982, including characters such as Primitif, Henrietta and Windy Wilberforce.
  2. De G閎elin published a dissertation on the origins of the symbolism in the Tarot in volume VIII of work " Le Monde Primitif ".
  3. The occult significance only began to emerge in the 18th century when Antoine Court de G閎elin ( a Swiss clergyman and Freemason ) published " Le Monde Primitif ".
  4. An essay by the Comte de Mellet included in Court de Gebelin's " Monde primitif " is responsible for the mystical connection of the Tarot's 21 trumps and the fool with the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet.
  5. Benoist reissued and wrote prefaces to several of Rougier's earlier works, and in 1974 Benoist's think tank GRECE published an entirely new book by Rougier : " Le conflit du Christianisme primitif et de la civilisation antique ".
  6. It's difficult to find primitif in a sentence. 用primitif造句挺难的
  7. Two years later, at 21, Saussure published a book entitled " M閙oire sur le syst鑝e primitif des voyelles dans les langues indo-europ閑nnes " ( " Dissertation on the Primitive Vowel System in Indo-European Languages " ).
  8. November 2012 saw a deal announced with Futur Primitif, the new project of Daniel Lefkowitz, former member of American indie-folk band The Low Anthem, followed by the release of two singles, Nuclear Shockwave and Digital Space, and the album Machineteeth.
  9. Included in this category are The Passion of a Primitif ( 1987 ), Company of State ( 1987; 1988 ), In Sotto Voce-actually, a genuine "'Po閟ie Noire "'side-project posing as a Yugoslavian act.
  10. In 1931, Lema顃re proposed in his " " hypoth鑣e de l'atome primitif " " ( hypothesis of the primeval atom ) that the universe began with the " explosion " of the " primeval atom "  what was later called the Big Bang.
  11. In 1878, Ferdinand de Saussure, then a 21-year-old student at the University of Leipzig, published his " M閙oire sur le syst鑝e primitif des voyelles dans les langues indo-europ閑nnes ",'Dissertation on the original system of vowels in the Indo-European languages', the work that founded the laryngeal theory.
  12. Consid閞ant, in some of his writings, suggested that society guarantee a right to work in order to compensate them for denying equal access to natural resources . ( " La condition sine qu?non-pour la L間itimit?de la Propri閠?est donc que la Soci閠?reconnaisse au Prol閠aire le droit au travail et qu elle lui assure au moins autant de moyens de subsistance, pour un exercice d activit?donn? que cet exercice e鹴 pu lui en procurer dans l 蓆at primitif . ")
  13. He now began to advocate the use of Greek as a universal language, and published many works, among which were : " Les Trois Grands Peuples M閐iterran閑ns et le Christianisme, " Paris, 1864; " Origines Bouddhiques de la Civilisation Am閞icaine, " in the " Revue Arch閛logique, " Sept ., 1864, and April, 1865; and " Texte Primitif du Premier R閏it de la Cr閍tion, " Paris, 1875; reprinted after his death under the title " M閘anges de Critique Biblique ."
  14. Scholar Marie-蒻ile Boismard has claimed the Ebionite gospel is partly dependent upon a hypothetical Hebrew gospel as a source; however this conjecture remains a minority view .  " Si ce renseignement d'蓀iphane est exact, 蒪ion . 2 pourrait representer une forme plus ou moins remani閑, de l'関angile primitif de Matthieu, lequel correspondrait donc au texte que nous avons appele Y ( 蒪 . 2 ) . " } } Its putative relationship to the gospel text known to Origen as the " Gospel of the Twelve " remains a subject of scholarly debate.
  15. In his " M閙oire sur le syst鑝e primitif des voyelles dans les langues indo-europ閑nnes " ( " Memoir on the Original System of Vowels in the Indo-European Languages " ) published in 1879, he mentions Indian grammar as an influence on his idea that " reduplicated aorists represent imperfects of a verbal class . " In his " De l'emploi du g閚itif absolu en sanscrit " ( " On the Use of the Genitive Absolute in Sanskrit " ) published in 1881, he specifically mentions PGini as an influence on the work.


  1. "primislaus"造句
  2. "primite"造句
  3. "primite baptist universalist"造句
  4. "primitia"造句
  5. "primitiae"造句
  6. "primitifs"造句
  7. "primitiva"造句
  8. "primitive"造句
  9. "primitive accumulation"造句
  10. "primitive accumulation of capital"造句

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