


  1. 2 . the basic steps and key factors of mobile games development on j2me platform is discussed in detail based on the author ’ s real project ? “ the sace war ” , and the method of abstracting and encapsulation of the graphic role classes and keypad input interface classes and the role controlled module are illustrated at source code level . the thesis is organized as below : chapter 1 is an introduction to the research background of the thesis ; chapter 2 describes the system structure of j2me platform ; chapter 3 introduces mobile increment business
    2 .结合作者参与的具体项目- - “太空大战” ,详细阐述开发一个基于j2me平台的手机游戏的基本步骤和各个关键要素,重点说明了如何用面向对象的思想对手机上的游戏动画角色进行抽象和封装,并用具体的源代码说明如何控制游戏角色的运动,绘制及游戏流程和如何相应按键事件。
  2. It's difficult to find sace in a sentence. 用sace造句挺难的


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  10. "sacel"造句

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