


  1. Gratefully accepting, the sentiency didn't question the consequences.
  2. Its motion is the content of its sentiency.
  3. Having saved sentiency from its government, BuSab was officially recognized as a necessary check on the power of government.
  4. Forbidden from committing acts of sabotage against private citizens, BuSab acts as a monitor of, and a conscience for, the collective sentiency, watching for signs of anti-sentient behaviour by corporate or government entities and preserving the dignity of individuals.
  5. It encapsulates the Vedic teachings, states Gough, that " he that meditates upon any deity as a being other than himself has no knowledge, and is mere victim to the gods ", and " there is no truth in the many, all truth is in the one; and this one that alone is the Self, the inmost essence of all things, that vivifies all sentiencies and permeates all things.
  6. It's difficult to find sentiencies in a sentence. 用sentiencies造句挺难的


  1. "sentidos opuestos"造句
  2. "sentience"造句
  3. "sentience politics"造句
  4. "sentience quotient"造句
  5. "sentiences"造句
  6. "sentiency"造句
  7. "sentient"造句
  8. "sentient being"造句
  9. "sentient beings"造句
  10. "sentient computer"造句

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