


  1. The entire width of the house on the top floor is occupied by a long gallery which contains the finest shovelboard table in existence, long.
  2. Historically, the ancient shovelboard, about which little is known, appears to have diverged into modern shuffleboard and sjoelen, and with the former leading to the development of both table shuffleboard and shove ha'penny.
  3. His estate included a house and sometime tavern in Salem, Massachusetts near the meeting house where after his death his widow Bridget Oliver Bishop was known for staying up late into the night entertaining her guests with playing shovelboard.
  4. The game was played and gambled over by King Henry VIII of England, who prohibited commoners from playing; evidently he did not always win, as the record of royal expenses for 1532 show a payment from the Privy Purse of GB?,'Paied to my lord Wylliam for that he wanne of the kinges grace at shovillaborde'( today's spelling :'Paid to Lord William, for he won, by the king's grace, at shovelboard').
  5. It's difficult to find shovelboard in a sentence. 用shovelboard造句挺难的


  1. "shovel test pit"造句
  2. "shovel tests"造句
  3. "shovel the pavement clear of snow"造句
  4. "shovel through"造句
  5. "shovel working"造句
  6. "shovelboards"造句
  7. "shovelbum"造句
  8. "shovelbums"造句
  9. "shoveled"造句
  10. "shoveler"造句

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