


  1. Dufour launched its 40-foot Sortilege performance cruiser in 1971.
  2. The title was sorceress or sortilege.
  3. As a bass singer, Maynor has sung at Carnegie Hall, and the Metropolitan Opera House in " L'enfant et les Sortilege " by Maurice Ravel.
  4. As Anne recovered from her miscarriage, Henry declared that he had been seduced into the marriage by means of " sortilege "  a French term indicating either " deception " or " spells ".
  5. A historical precedent was the ancient Roman practice of sortilege, divination by drawing lots " ) which specialized into " sortes Homericae ", " sortes Virgilianae ", and " sortes Sanctorum ", using the texts of Homer, Virgil, and the Bible.
  6. It's difficult to find sortilege in a sentence. 用sortilege造句挺难的
  7. Her most important work is " Anagogias " ( Ediciones Documentas, Guayaquil, 1988 ), an anthology of three separate works, each consisting of a dozen or more cantos : " El Infinito y su Reflejo " ( The Infinite and its Reflex ), " El Sortilegio de la Imaginacion " ( The Sortilege of Imagination ), and " Presencia en el Tiempo " ( Presence of Time ).
  8. Among his symphonic poems are worth mentioning :  Minas cu?, for soloist, choir and orchestra;  El r韔 de la esperanza, for choir and orchestra;  Ciclos and other six symphonies : Symphony Concertante No . 1 for piano and orchestra; Symphony No . 2 Stations of the year; Symphony No . 3 in Re major; Symphony No . 4 Sortilege; Symphony No . 5 Quinta tonal and Symphony No . 6 dedicated to Agust韓 P韔 Barrios  Mangor?, in memory of the 50th year of his departure.


  1. "sortie rate"造句
  2. "sortied"造句
  3. "sortieing"造句
  4. "sortierung"造句
  5. "sorties"造句
  6. "sortileges"造句
  7. "sortilegi"造句
  8. "sortilegio"造句
  9. "sortilegium"造句
  10. "sortiment"造句

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