


  1. Wham , splat . the guy s a jumper for sure
  2. Wham , splat . the guy ' s a jumper for sure
  3. And the house on the sand went splat
  4. Women smile appreciatively when men splat them in the face with sperm
  5. I ' m splat , the loser
  6. It's difficult to find splat in a sentence. 用splat造句挺难的
  7. A car ' s paint collects dirt , grime , bird droppings , bug splats , water deposits , tar , oil and other substances
  8. Make magic , color , and play games like mcnugget moonbounce and sauce splat with all your mcdonaldland friends
  9. " and today our toilet isp team is pleased to be leading the way through the sewers , up out of your toilet and - splat - right onto your pc .
    “如今,我们的厕所isp团队对于能领先于这一领域感到很高兴,实现了个人电脑与厕所中下水道的连接。 ”
  10. " and today our toilet isp team is pleased to be leading the way through the sewers , up out of your toilet and - - splat - - right onto your pc .
    “如今,我们的厕所isp团队对于能领先于这一领域感到很高兴,实现了个人电脑与厕所中下水道的连接。 ”
  11. Aerial image can be computed fairly fast by this method compared with the rigorous solution of the hopkins equation , especially for the situation of many sparse aerial points which is often met in opc application
  12. " it ' s just degenerate now , " she said , adding that foreigners do not know how to throw a tomato as the locals do , squashing it first to ensure a satisfying splat rather than a painful thump
    她说: “它已经变质了, ”还说外国人不知道当地人如何扔西红柿,应该先将西红柿压碎,这样扔出去的西红柿才会发出另人满意的啪啪声,而不是重重的地把别人打痛。
  13. For practical opc applications , csplat is not suitable for intensity calculation on huge amount of sparse aerial points , hence a fast algorithm of sparse aerial image intensity calculation for lithography simulation is derived in this paper based on the theory of principal waves
  14. The basics of lithography process , as well as the basic structure of lithographic system and the basic theory of partially coherent imaging are introduced in this paper . a bi - linear model of optical imaging is also presented . based on these theories , the simulation process of csplat is particularly analyzed , especially the computation of tccs ( transmission cross coefficient ) under different illuminations and the processing of primary lens aberrations inside tcc computation process
  15. We have been doing well , but suddenly , “ splat ” , we splash the ink onto the paper , the picture is gone , we cannot see the beauty of the picture any more , what our eyesight only covers is the black spot which seems growing bigger and bigger , and at last covers the whole space , then we cannot wait to throw it into the litter box
  16. Based on the efficient organization , several methods can be employed to improve rendering efficiency in walkthrough , such as cluster - based calculating of splat size , selecting proper detail level to render and so on ; based on the hybrid representation , this thesis proposes a real time walkthrough system for a large complex environment with no restriction to user ' s motion


  1. "splashy"造句
  2. "splashy fen"造句
  3. "splashy fen music festival"造句
  4. "splashy fish"造句
  5. "splashy pants"造句
  6. "splat cooling"造句
  7. "splat pack"造句
  8. "splat quenching"造句
  9. "splat the cat"造句
  10. "splat wall"造句

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