


  1. when the heat and stridency of the party burst upon us through the open door, i began to regret that i had not been more firm in refusing this once .
  2. on september 20th, in a speech to the united nations general assembly, mr ch vez trumped even iran's mahmoud ahmadinejad in the adolescent stridency of his anti-americanism, referring to george bush as “ the devil ”
  3. mr ibrahim's stridency [ 3 ] was, perhaps, inspired by america's decision, in march, to keep libya on its official list of state sponsors of terrorism, a dubious distinction it has held since 1979
  4. mr ibrahim's stridency was, perhaps, inspired by america's decision, in march, to keep libya on its official list of state sponsors of terrorism, a dubious distinction it has held since 1979
  5. It's difficult to find stridency in a sentence. 用stridency造句挺难的


  1. "strided"造句
  2. "strided distance"造句
  3. "stridence"造句
  4. "stridences"造句
  5. "stridencies"造句
  6. "stridens hus"造句
  7. "strident"造句
  8. "strident publishing"造句
  9. "strident publishing company"造句
  10. "strident voice"造句

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