


  1. She was no longer the alternate succubus .
  2. Succubus : increases your shadow damage done by 15 %
    媚魔:增加你的暗影伤害15 % 。
  3. Succubus : you broke free of my spell . i like that
  4. Succubus : come here little boy , and show me what you ' ve got
  5. 4 ) shamans ? human and [ color = red ] succubus [ / color ] hybrids can cast haste and slow
  6. It's difficult to find succubi in a sentence. 用succubi造句挺难的
  7. Driving deep into the forests , she was able to subdue and possess a succubus minion
  8. If you have the succubus out , it will assist her , then start casting seduction again , then targetlastenemy
  9. Isabel : wait ! that ' s not me . the queen who sits on the throne is an imposter . a demoness , a succubus
  10. Hey , i ' m not the one that made shizuka ' s girlfriend a succubus . used a picture of * gasp * britney spears as a pose reference
  11. In addition , soul link ' s tooltip has been clarified to indicate it only works with your imp , voidwalker , succubus , or felhunter
  12. In an upcoming content patch ( 2 . 1 . 0 ) warlocks will be able to use their succubus to seduce many humanoid creatures which are currently immune to charm effects
  13. Succubus temptress is immune to hypnosis , and has the ability to seduce a creature one time per battle . the owner of the succubus can control seduced creatures
  14. Use : empowers your pet , increasing pet damage by 100 % and increasing pet armor by 100 % for 30 sec . this spell will only affect an imp , succubus , voidwalker , or felhunter
    使用:是你的宠物更加强大,增加宠物的伤害和护甲100 % ,持续30秒。法术只对小鬼,女人,蓝胖子和地狱狗有效。
  15. Shamans ? human and succubus hybrids can cast haste and slow . one of the upgrades , when engaged in hand - to - hand combat will curse ( slow , weakness , curse , disrupting ray ) the opponent
    人类和魅魔的混血儿可以施放加速和减速魔法。其中一种升级在近身战时会诅咒敌手(减速,虚弱,诅咒和瓦解) 。
  16. Shamans ? human and succubus hybrids can cast haste and slow . one of the upgrades , when engaged in hand - to - hand combat will curse ( slow , weakness , curse , disrupting ray ) the opponent
    萨满人类和女妖的混血儿可以施放加速和减速魔法。其中一种升级在近身战时会诅咒敌手(减速,虚弱,诅咒和瓦解) 。
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


  1. "succs"造句
  2. "succu"造句
  3. "succuba"造句
  4. "succubae"造句
  5. "succubas"造句
  6. "succubous"造句
  7. "succubus"造句
  8. "succubuses"造句
  9. "succubuslike"造句
  10. "succulence"造句

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