


  1. Further information about the management of Challenger Corporation is available at http : / / challengercme . com / Default . aspx ? tabid = 253
  2. See also http : / / www . decision08 . co . nz / Electorates / GeneralNZ / tabid / 167 / Default . aspx for useful electorate history info.
  3. CVNZ is registered as a charity with the [ http : / / www . charities . govt . nz / Home / tabid / 92 / Default . aspx New Zealand Charities Commission.
  4. You can see the logo online : http : / / redfernoralhistory . org / Default . aspx ? tabid = 211  Preceding contribs ) 11 : 12, 9 April 2013 ( UTC)
  5. :I found the image on http : / / www . milanbandiczagreb . com / Default . aspx ? tabid = 279, a page on the personal website of Milan Bandi, the mayor of Zagreb.
  6. It's difficult to find tabid in a sentence. 用tabid造句挺难的
  7. In April 2012 The Asylum was named as Best International Convention in the Steampunk Chronicle Readers Awards . ( http : / / steampunkchronicle . com / SPCAwards / Winners2012 / tabid / 514 / Default . aspx)
  8. The Soil Association provides a host of financial and economic information, including yearly [ www . soilassociation . org / Businesses / Marketinformation / tabid / 116 / Default . aspx market reports ] and monthly agricultural price data.
  9. If you read the actual entry ?found at http : / / www . kenja . com . au / Home / BasisofTraining / EnergyConversionMeditation / tabid / 227 / Default . aspx You will note it is referenced as follows:
  10. This college is accredited by a private organization called ACICS-to verify, search for " American College of Commerce and Technology " at http : / / personify . acics . org / Default . aspx ? TabId = 204.
  11. Our state organization is 50 years old-you may view a chronological history I have documented at the following link : http : / / www . arcmass . org / Home / WhoWeAre / History / tabid / 117 / Default . aspx
  12. Portions of the city used to be zoned to Turner Elementary School until the attendance zoned changed for the 2006 2007 school year, rezoning the portion to Hardy Elementary School [ http : / / www . willisisd . org / Default . aspx ? tabid = 568.
  13. The Management team comprises of Mr . Khizer, Mr . Danial, Mr . Asher, Ms . Sonia, as can be seen from website ( http : / / www . schonproperties . com / AboutSCH諲 / ManagementTeam / tabid / 59 / Default . aspx)
  14. First Branch of the First Iranian Bank ( Sepah Bank ) was located in Rasht City . [ http : / / www . banksepah . ir / default . aspx ? tabid = 160 First branch of 24 / 7 pharmacy ( Karoon pharmacy ) was built in Rasht City.
  15. Pendant shows currently feature on " The Pendant Audio Power Hour " on KTDR-FM in Del Rio, Texas, every Sunday night . http : / / www . ktdrfm . com / http : / / www . ktdrfm . com / Default . aspx ? tabid = 115390
  16. The 73rd Regular Convention will be held June 14-16, 2012 in Metairie, Louisiana with the theme " It's Time That They May Know Jesus " . [ http : / / www . southernlcms . org / LinkClick . aspx ? fileticket = s5mHHAljlYM % 3d & tabid = 256
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  8. "tabigha"造句
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  10. "tabiko"造句

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