

  1. ""'Tainoceras " "'is an extinct coiled cephalopod that live during the later part of the Paleozoic and Triassic, that belongs to the nautiloid family Tainoceratidae.
  2. "Thuringionautilus ", which comes from the Upper Triassic of Europe, is similar to " Tainionautilus ", but with smooth sides and a sharper furrow along the venter, and to " Tainoceras " which differs in having a wider, shallower ventral furrow and separate ventral and ventro-lateral nodes.
  3. Tainoceras has an evolude shell with a subquadrate whorl section that bears a double row of nodes on either side of its broad outer rim ( venter ) . " Metacoceras " is similar except for lacking the double rows of nodes . " Tainionautilus " is similar, except that instead of nodes it has thick slanting lateral ribs
  4. It's difficult to find tainoceras in a sentence. 用tainoceras造句挺难的


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  6. "tainocerataceae"造句
  7. "tainoceratid"造句
  8. "tainoceratidae"造句
  9. "tainoceratids"造句
  10. "tainoceratina"造句

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