


  1. Pottery included, among others, tatting ware and shelly ware.
  2. Segrest said tatting gives people a chance to make some unique items.
  3. Takashima Tatting uses a custom needle with a hook on one end.
  4. All available evidence shows that tatting originated in the early 19th century.
  5. And tatting has a few benefits of its own.
  6. It's difficult to find tattings in a sentence. 用tattings造句挺难的
  7. There are currently two manufacturers of tatting needles.
  8. Justice Tatting disagrees strongly with Justice Foster's rationales in overturning the convictions.
  9. A Swedish customer wants instructions for Judaica needlework while the Chileans demand books on tatting.
  10. The Shaws registered for the course after seeing some guild members tatting at Elderly United.
  11. Tatting dates to the early 19th century, gaining popularity in the 1860s through 1880s.
  12. A form of tatting called Takashima Tatting, invented by Toshiko Takashima, exists in Japan.
  13. A form of tatting called Takashima Tatting, invented by Toshiko Takashima, exists in Japan.
  14. To create a picot in tatting, the first half of a double stitch is made.
  15. Tatting has been around hundreds of years . ( Scott, Springfield News-Sun ) MOVED.
  16. Needle tatting originated in the early twentieth century, but did not become popular until much later.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


  1. "tattily"造句
  2. "tattiness"造句
  3. "tatting"造句
  4. "tatting needle"造句
  5. "tattingers"造句
  6. "tattingstone"造句
  7. "tattingstone wonder"造句
  8. "tattini"造句
  9. "tattis"造句
  10. "tattle"造句

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