

  1. He also adopted a new monastic Rule ( Typicon ) for the community.
  2. He writes the Karyes Typicon during his stay there.
  3. The canonarch preserves the canonical order in the liturgical services through proper use of the Typicon.
  4. The beautiful monastic services are served according to the " typicon " of Mount Athos.
  5. This " reversal " is not something mandated by the typicon but has developed out of practical necessity.
  6. It's difficult to find typicon in a sentence. 用typicon造句挺难的
  7. He wrote the Karyes Typicon during his stay there, and a marble inscription of his work still exists.
  8. The } itije ( Vita Simeonis ) that prefaces the typicon was written by Saint Sava in the same year.
  9. The monastery is referred to in a letter by Paul of " Typicon " of Mount Athos in 1046.
  10. The Typicon took the standard form of services which were celebrated in the Patriarchate of Jerusalem and added some specifically monastic usages which were local traditions at Saint Sabbas.
  11. The Typicon also prescribes the Presanctified on the Thursday of the Great Canon ( the fifth Thursday of Lent ), and on first three days of Holy Week.
  12. Born in Sibiu, her father Dimitrie, originally from Dob鈘ca, was a Romanian Orthodox priest, composer and professor of liturgical music and Typicon at the city's seminary.
  13. Although this Typicon has undergone further evolution, particularly at the Monastery of the Stoudion in Constantinople, it is still referred to as the " Typicon of Saint Sabas ".
  14. Although this Typicon has undergone further evolution, particularly at the Monastery of the Stoudion in Constantinople, it is still referred to as the " Typicon of Saint Sabas ".
  15. Perhaps the most important manuscript is the typicon of St Saba, an ancient rule of monastic and liturgical life, copied at the monastery of St John the Baptist Douma in 1595.
  16. 更多例句:  下一页


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  7. "typification"造句
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  9. "typified"造句
  10. "typifies"造句

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