

  1. Our first practical script converts unix - style text to dos windows format
  2. If you ve got a unix - like machine with a java compiler in your path , you can just run
  3. If you aren t using one of the three unix flavors discussed in this article , just determine the environment variable used for locating shared libraries
  4. Yudit represents a mature solution to the unicode text problem that grew out of a world without unicode - enabled internationalization architectures on any unix flavor or unix clone
  5. unix风格造句挺难的,这是一个万能造句的方法


  1. "unix编程艺术"造句
  2. "unix操作系统"造句
  3. "unix操作系统教程"造句
  4. "unix操作系统设计"造句
  5. "unix从入门到精通"造句
  6. "unix国际"造句
  7. "unix环境"造句
  8. "unix环境高级编程"造句
  9. "unix客户机"造句
  10. "unix时间"造句

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