


  1. According to statistics parameters of the typical clouds over xi ' an region and cloud data obtained from the global distribution of cloud cover under the auspices of world meteorological organization , for xi ' an region typical cloud , the parameters of khragian - mazin cloud drop size distribution are obtained . based on xi ' an cloud water content profile , on earth - space paths , attenuation due to cloud are calculated by means of the k - m distribution . it is shown that the attenuation induced by cloud are taken into account at ka - at elevation angle smaller than 30 and v - band paths
    第三,根据西安地区气象观测数据,讨论了西安典型云的宏观和微观物理特性;根据西安典型云的观测结果和世界气象组织提供的数据,得到西安典型云的k - m云滴谱参数;并根据西安地区云的液水含量,计算了地一空路径上云的衰减,结果表明,在v波段和仰角小于30度的ka波段路径,云的衰减需加以考虑。
  2. It's difficult to find v-band in a sentence. 用v-band造句挺难的


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  5. "v-94狙击步枪"造句
  6. "v-band乐队"造句
  7. "v-bar"造句
  8. "v-belt pulley"造句
  9. "v-belt-cord adhesion test method"造句
  10. "v-block"造句

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