

  1. Valentinius, of course, was beheaded and men have been living in fear of Feb . 14 ever since.
  2. A student of St . Paul, and in turn taught Valentinius, which would put Theudas in the late 1st century if true.
  3. The contemporary orthodox counter to Valentinius was Justin Martyr, though it was Irenaeus of Lyons who presented the most vigorous challenge to the Valentinians.
  4. It is not known when Ptolemy became a disciple of Valentinius, but Valentinius was active in the Egyptian city of Alexandria and in Rome.
  5. It is not known when Ptolemy became a disciple of Valentinius, but Valentinius was active in the Egyptian city of Alexandria and in Rome.
  6. It's difficult to find valentinius in a sentence. 用valentinius造句挺难的
  7. The followers of Valentinius attempted to systematically decode the Epistles, claiming that most Christians made the mistake of reading the Epistles literally rather than allegorically.
  8. Irenaeus'opponents, however, claimed to have received secret teachings ( gnosis ) from Jesus via other apostles which were not publicly known, or in the case of Valentinius from Paul.
  9. It all started back in 269 A . D . when a man named Valentinius gave his wife a Dust Buster for Valentine's Day when what she really wanted was flowers and jewelry.
  10. During the 2nd century, Christians and semi-Christians of diverse views congregated in Rome, notably Marcion and Valentinius, and in the following century there were schisms connected with Hippolytus of Rome and Novatian.
  11. Valentinius ( c . 100  c . 160 ) was said to be the first to introduce the'Three Hypostases'of Platonism into Christianity, identifying them with the Father, Son, and Spirit.
  12. In some versions of Christian gnosticism, especially those deriving from Valentinius, a lesser deity known as the Demiurge had a role in the creation of the material world in addition to the role of the Monad.
  13. Valentinius was among the early Christians who attempted to align Christianity with Platonism, drawing dualist conceptions from the Platonic world of ideal forms ( " pleroma " ) and the lower world of phenomena ( " kenoma " ).
  14. "' Ptolemy the Gnostic "', or "'Ptolemaeus Gnosticus "', was a disciple of the Gnostic teacher Valentinius and is known for an epistle he wrote to a wealthy woman named Flora, herself not a gnostic.
  15. Furthermore, according to Meyer, this text seems to follow the beliefs of the Valentinian Christian sect, a group that worshipped the Gnostic Christ, and is often linked to what is sometimes thought to be Valentinius'own text, the Gospel of Truth.
  16. A primary difference between Marcionites and Gnostics was that the Gnostics based their theology on " secret wisdom " ( as, for example, Valentinius who claimed to receive the " secret wisdom " from Docetic, denying the human nature of Christ.


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