

  1. Wasterkingen has an unemployment rate of 1.25 % ., there were 31 people employed in the tertiary sector, with 7 businesses in this sector.
  2. In Wasterkingen about 91.8 % of the population ( between age 25-64 ) have completed either non-mandatory upper secondary education or additional higher education ( either university or a " Fachhochschule " ).
  3. It's difficult to find wasterkingen in a sentence. 用wasterkingen造句挺难的


  1. "waster of energy"造句
  2. "waster plate"造句
  3. "waster waster"造句
  4. "waster water"造句
  5. "waster water tank"造句
  6. "wasters"造句
  7. "wastes"造句
  8. "wastes away"造句
  9. "wastes in general"造句
  10. "wastes of effort"造句

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