


  1. Proponents say xenotransplants hold promise for a wide range of diseases.
  2. Federal regulators seem disinclined to declare a moratorium on human xenotransplants.
  3. As the science advances, the clamor to allow xenotransplants will grow.
  4. So far, however, the limited experience with xenotransplants is encouraging.
  5. Xenotransplants could save thousands of patients waiting for donated organs.
  6. It's difficult to find xenotransplants in a sentence. 用xenotransplants造句挺难的
  7. Proponents of xenotransplants argue that the risk is small.
  8. There's no question, the era of xenotransplants is upon us.
  9. That dream is the driving force behind the slogging scientific work on xenotransplants.
  10. The world's first human-rabbit xenotransplant.
  11. Different organ xenotransplants result in different responses in clotting.
  12. Among other potential uses of xenotransplants are these:
  13. Xenotransplant researchers say there is no evidence that they infect humans outside the laboratory.
  14. Boston is a leading center of xenotransplant reserach.
  15. Drug and biotech companies have poured more than dlrs 100 million into xenotransplant research.
  16. But all xenotransplants must continue to be closely watched for viruses, she added.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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