

  1. Shipbuilding - cast iron y type strainers
  2. The subway route is shaped like the letter y , so as to provide fast traffic connections to the sub - cities located in the different areas
  3. Avenue roundabouts have been added , available under a new menu button that also contains the other avenue intersections , such as the avenue y - stack
  4. A complete list of replacement components can be found on the preceding page . bonnet assemblies and seals are interchangeable between angle and y - pattern valve bodies
  5. Our premium - grade bifurcated optical fiber assemblies are y - shaped assemblies with two fibers of the same diameter side - by - side in the common end , or the tail of the assembly
  6. y形造句挺难的,这是一个万能造句的方法
  7. The fig . 1710 balancing globe valve is a straight pattern design having the stem / disc arrangement vertical to the direction of flow compared to conventional oblique " y " pattern globe valves
  8. In the paper , the properties of matching polynomial and matching unque , and y - graph is not matching unque , and matching polynomial of snake tree and ring graph , ets
  9. This paper applies nonlinear finite element program bsnfem to analyze the behaviors of eccentrically braced steel frames under cyclic load . the study that comprehensive and systematic analyze the factor of links length , thickness of links flange , distance of links rib , thickness of links rib and angle of brace to be changed affect energy - dissipation capacity of d shape and k shape eccentrically braced steel frames have been some studied before . this paper fills the black in the filed factor of high - span ratio , brace stiffness and brace - to - beam connections to be changed affect energy - dissipation capacity of d shape and k shape eccentrically braced steel trames and any factor to be changed affect energy - dissipation capacity of y shape eccentrically braced steel frames


  1. "y型接头"造句
  2. "y型截止阀"造句
  3. "y型连接"造句
  4. "y型密封圈"造句
  5. "y型液压安全阀"造句
  6. "y形的"造句
  7. "y形交叉"造句
  8. "y形接线"造句
  9. "y形橡胶密封"造句
  10. "y一代"造句

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