

  1. "The enthusiasm and excitement felt across campus is palpable.
  2. "The excitement on the command net was not there.
  3. Breasts!, & My excitement for you...
  4. Cade, JFJ; Lithium salts in the treatment of psychotic excitement.
  5. Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I've kinda lost track myself.
  6. It's difficult to find excitement in a sentence. 用excitement造句挺难的
  7. There was a growing sense of excitement both in the brigade and in the division headquarters, Suttlehan recalled.
  8. Même Laura Bush, dans un récent discours, a avoué à l’auditoire combien son mari était ennuyant, l’appelant ironiquement « Mr. Excitement ».
  9. Despite e the television flights being cut, the additional radio air time, combined with the Belvedere Rock creative plastered on buses all over the streets of Quebec and the Maritimes, the newspapers cleverly positioned full-page 4colour ads ensured solid media coverage to our target audience and played an important role in our objective, in raising both awareness and excitement.


  1. "excitatrice"造句
  2. "excitatrices"造句
  3. "excite"造句
  4. "excite truck"造句
  5. "excitebike"造句
  6. "excitent"造句
  7. "exciter"造句
  8. "excitera"造句
  9. "exciterait"造句
  10. "excites"造句

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