


  1. Obese et introverti, il vit sous l'envahissante domination de sa mere.
  2. Effect of diet and controlled exercise on weight loss in obese children.
  3. Effects of family based behavioral treatment on obese 5-8 year old children.
  4. Baeten JM, Bukusi EA, Lambe M. Pregnancy complications and outcomes among overweight and obese nulliparous women.
  5. Le groupe de thrashcore S.O.D. a parodié le titre de l'album avec leur chanson Seasoning the Obese.
  6. It's difficult to find obese in a sentence. 用obese造句挺难的
  7. Étude unique Braet C, van Winckel M, van Leeuwen K. Follow-up results of different treatment programs for obese children.
  8. Roytblat, L; Rachinsky, M; Fisher, A; Greemberg, L; Shapira, Y; Douvdevani, A; Gelman, S. Raised interleukin-6 levels in obese patients.
  9. The findings on fast food consumption and binge eating tendencies are based on a six-week research study of 88 obese individuals.
  10. • Michelle Mottola, Ph.D., Université Western Ontario, Nutrition and exercise lifestyle intervention program for overweight and obese aboriginal pregnant and postpartum women.
  11. Skov A.R., Tourbo S. et Astrup A. The effect of a low-fat, high-protein vs. a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet on cardiovascular risk factors in obese subjects.
  12. J Am Diet Assoc 94:641-644, 1994 Adami GF, Gandolfo P, Campostano A, Meneghelli A, Ravera G, Scopionaro N. Body image and body weight in obese patients.
  13. De Lorenzo, A; Maiolo, C; Mohamed, EI; Andreoli, A; Petrone-De Luca, P; Rossi, P. Body composition analysis and changes in airways function in obese adults after hypocaloric diet.
  14. Racette S.B., Schoeller D.A., Kushner R.F., Neil K.M. et Herling-Iaffaldano K. Effects of aerobic exerxise and dietary carbohydrate on energy expenditure and body composition during weight reduction in obese women.
  15. However, a young researcher at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem feels he has come up with a practical weight loss solution for the obese person without his having to feel hungry.
  16. Les recherches ont été menées à l’aide des mots-clés « obese » et « obesity » et de filtres permettant d’extraire les articles qui portaient sur les enfants et qui étaient des recensions systématiques.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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