I paul have written it with mine own hand , i will repay it : albeit i do not say to thee how thou owest unto me even thine own self besides 门19 .我必偿还这是我保罗亲笔写的我并不用对你说、连你自己也是亏欠于我。
" letter writing is really a magical communication tool , and a handwritten letter can mean a great deal to the person who receives it 他说:书信写作确是一项奇妙的沟通工具。对于收件人来说,一封亲笔写的书信所包含的意义重大。
Fireflies had their origin in china and japan where thoughts were very often claimed from me in my hand writing on fans and pieces of silk 萤有它的根源在中国和日本。当我在那儿的时候,人们常要求我把我的情思亲笔写在扇子和丝绢上。
When the articles won first place in a state newspaper contest , the publisher sent mike a handwritten note of congratulations 这些报道在登载之前,报社没有任何人改编或甚至读过。这些文章在州报纸参赛获得一等奖后,社长亲笔写了一张纸条,向迈克表示祝贺。
My mission was to build a church that could change the world ! i wear a medallion only on sunday mornings , in this pulpit . it is engraved with a prayer i wrote and i read every time i put it on , 本周我收到他亲笔写来的信,他看到我在电视节目上提到他我们寄给他一卷录影带,我想我会邀请他来,我想他考虑一下
Built in 1750 , the archway of modesty , is a structure with four pillars . the emperor qianlong of qing dynasty wrote “ han xu ” and “ yan xiu ” . these two words describe the beauty of this imperial garden 涵虚牌楼:建于1750年,它有四柱,主楼石额东西刻有“涵虚” 、 “罨秀”为乾隆亲笔写的御书,暗喻颐和园这座皇家园林的美丽。