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  • Sketched in plaster beneath the statue believed to be herma ' s father , were the words : peter , pray christ jesus for the holy . .
    在据信刻画赫尔马父亲的雕像下面,有用灰泥勾勒出的一行字迹:伯多禄,为圣… …向基督耶稣祈祷。
  • Now go and tell his disciples and peter : jesus is going ahead of you to galilee ; you will see him there just as he told you
    现在去告诉他的门徒和伯多禄:他已在你们之前去加里利了,你们将在那里看见他,正如他曾跟你们说过的。 ”
  • But jesus turning around , and looking at his disciples , rebuked peter saying , “ get behind me satan ! you are thinking not as god does , but as people do
    耶稣转过身来,看著他的门徒们,斥责伯多禄说: “退到我后头去,撒殚!因为你所想的,不是天主的想法,而是人的念头。 ”
  • Tradition tells us that peter felt himself unworthy of being crucified like his master jesus christ and asked his executioners to turn him upside down
  • We were thirty feet beneath the floor of st . peter ' s basilica , walking through a three - feet wide street hemmed in by the cement walls of mausoleums built by citizens of rome
  • Hardware retailer home depot has found itself in a sticky situation early this month , defending a lawsuit filed by a man who claims the chain ' s louisville store ignored his cries for help after he fell victim to a prank and was glued to a toilet seat
    本月初,荷兰人鲍伯多尔蒂起诉美国建材家居零售企业“家居货栈” ,说他在路易斯维尔连锁店上卫生间时受人愚弄,身体被粘在马桶座上,而那儿的店员竟对他的呼救声置若罔闻。
  • A hardware retailer home depot has found itself in a sticky situation early this month , defending a lawsuit filed by a man who claims the chain ' s louisville store ignored his cries for help after he fell victim to a prank and was glued to a toilet seat
    本月初,荷兰人鲍伯多尔蒂起诉美国建材家居零售企业“家居货栈” ,说他在路易斯维尔连锁店上卫生间时受人愚弄,身体被粘在马桶座上,而那儿的店员竟对他的呼救声置若罔闻。
  • At this moment it is natural for us to go , in spirit , to st . peter s square where the pope is declaring mother theresa blessed , the foundress of the missionaries of charity , they evangelize with charity , they make themselves images of god s goodness to the poorest of the poor
  • He was also very much attuned to what the press was writing about the jubilee and about him - - an attention to the media that began early in his career . crescenzio sepe was born june 2 , 1943 , near the southern italian city of caserta , a world war ii battleground and later the site of allied headquarters in the region
    他是双脚站在磐石上的人,这磐石是天主(申32 : 4 ) ,是伯多禄(磐石) (玛16 : 18 ) ,他就是受召继承圣伯多禄宗徒的牧职。
  • For all of our members and cooperators , this is a year full of activities . this is the year of the canonization of opus dei founder blessed josemaria in st . peters square in rome . to achieve this objective , we have scheduled some get - togethers to explain the nature of that ceremony and to increase awareness about the holy life of st . josemaria
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