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  • East timor ' s foreign minister , zacarias de costa , said the situation in dili is calm , but he stressed that his country is in an extremely fragile position
  • Dr . timothy pyakalyia says farmers in his tropical homeland , papua new guinea , have been enjoying fruit harvests at elevations where fruit never grew before
  • Zacarias also said that rebuilding work on the north - south highway ( of which the zambeze bridge is a key section ) would be finished by the end of the term of the current government , in 2009
  • A sense of reverie had always pervaded his painting , but his late art , such as the altarpiece for the church of san zaccaria ( 1505 ) , possessed what mr brown calls a “ restraint and refinement ” unmatched by any of his pupils
  • He , indeed , if he feels safe on his throne , and reasonably secure of transmitting it to his descendants , sometimes indulges a taste for durable edifices , and produces the pyramids , or the taj mehal and the mausoleum at sekundra
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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