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  • Jewish - owned shops were shut down . swastikas replaced six - pointed stars . the walls of anti - semitism were closing in
  • Jewish - owned shops were shut down . swastikas replaced six - pointed stars . the walls of anti - semitism were closing in
  • Jewish - owned shops were shut down . swastikas replaced six - pointed stars the walls of anti - semitism were closing in
  • So new claims of a latent anti - semitism that led some poles to commit crimes against jews has caused a stir
  • Typically racist , conservative , and anti - semitic , they emerged in a time when the united kingdom was experiencing the second wave of punk
  • I was virtually unaware of my father ' s prewar isolationism until i went to college and was shocked to learn that he was considered anti - semitic
  • " controversy over whether it will inflame anti - semitism guarantees huge audiences , and many people may be profoundly moved . but as a film it is quite bad .
  • Sacrificing many of their “ own people ” has been acceptable , even necessary , before , in order to maintain a government based on fear , and also for populating israel through manufactured “ anti - semitism ”
    许多牺牲的"自己的人"已经接受的,甚至是必要的,然后,以维持政府基于恐惧,并为普及以色列制造的"反犹太主义" 。
  • " in this difficult period where intolerance , racism , xenophobia , anti - semitism and fanaticism are again manifesting themselves , it is essential for cinema to help us recall the horror of the unspeakable .
    “在这个不容异说、种族歧视、仇外主义、反犹太主义、宗教狂热再一次交织呈现的艰难时期,用电影帮助我们回忆无法形容的恐惧是重要的。 ”
  • French army officer of jewish descent who was convicted of treason ( 1894 ) , sentenced to life imprisonment , and ultimately acquitted when the evidence against him was shown to have been forged by anti - semites
    德雷福斯,艾尔弗雷德1859 1935犹太裔法国军官,被以叛国罪判终身监禁,但最后被无罪释放,因为证明他有罪的证据被发现是反犹太分子伪造的
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