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  • [ to comprehend is to know a thing as well as that thing can be known ? ( john donne )
    “理解就是以一件事物所能被认识的程度去认识” (约翰?多恩) 。
  • Andrea holmes , who teaches at doane college in crete , said many women on college campuses were being affected by this
    任教于克利特岛多恩大学的安德里亚.霍密斯说校园? ?陶多女性正在被此所扰。
  • Andrea holmes , who teaches at doane college in crete , said many women on college campuses were being affected by this
  • Andrea holmes , who teaches at doane college in crete , said many women on college campuses were being affected by this
  • Both countries have much to offer , as the successful launch of shenzhou 6 earlier this week demonstrated grace - ok ?
  • The late rudi dornbusch , an economist at the massachusetts institute of technology , once remarked : “ none of the post - war expansions died of old age
  • Don harrison , the senior corporate counsel for google , said in a statement monday that the acquisition “ poses no risk to competition and should be approved
    谷歌高级企业法律顾问多恩?哈里森周一表示: “这一交易不会给竞争带来任何威胁,我们有信心它将通过审查。 ”
  • 1961 dag hammarskjold , swedish secretary - general of the united nations and nobel prize winner , was killed in a plane crash near ndola in northern rhodesia
  • " unsafe habits can be unlearned just as easily as they can be learned , but first , drivers must recognize the risk they face by not concentrating on their driving , " said lisa dorn , director of driver research at cranfield university
    克兰菲尔德大学司机研究中心主任莉沙多恩说: “司机们容易养成不安全的驾驶习惯,也可以轻松的改掉这些习惯,但首先他们必须认识到驾驶时开小差是非常危险的。 ”
  • " unsafe habits can be unlearned just as easily as they can be learned , but first , drivers must recognize the risk they face by not concentrating on their driving , " said lisa dorn , director of driver research at cranfield university
    克兰菲尔德大学司机研究中心主任莉沙多恩说: “司机们容易养成不安全的驾驶习惯,也可以轻松的改掉这些习惯,但首先他们必须认识到驾驶时开小差是非常危险的。 ”
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