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  • There are three great project to protect the soil and water of the upper reaches of the yangtze river . they are changzhi project , natural forest protection project and returning cultivated land in steep hills into forest
    治理长江上游水土流失的三大工程“长治工程” 、 “天保工程”和退耕还林工程的实施已经取得了巨大的成绩。
  • Its leader , kondo isami , was born in the 5th year of tempo ( 1834 ) as the third son of miyakawa kyujiro and his wife miyo , whose husband was a gentleman farmer in kami - ishihara - mura , tama - gori , musashi - no - kuni , now a southwestern part of tokyo
    天保5年( 1834 ) ,在武藏国多摩郡上石原村,父亲宫川久次郎、母亲miyo生下了第三个儿子- -近藤勇。
  • Tennoji is the oldest and best known buddhist temple in yanaka . originally established in 1274 during the kamakura period as a temple of nichiren denomination , the former kannoji changed its denomination to tendai in 1699 during the edo period and then its name to tennoji in 1833
    镰仓时代( 1274年)建立的日莲上人yukari的感应寺在元禄12年( 1699年)改宗为天台宗,又在天保4年( 1833年)改称为护国山天王寺,延续至今。
  • Being entrusted with tianjin tianbao construction development co . , ltd , which will together with beijing science park auction & tender co . , ltd open the worldwide solicitation for the international solicitation for the planning and architectural design for tianjin international conference & exhibition center
  • Based on investigations of farmer households and forestry enterprises and government behaviors and adopting the procedures of rural participatory assessment ( pra ) in sichuan , chongqing , guizhou and yunnan , the author has studied the background for the program of protecting the natural forests in the upper reaches of the yangtze river , analyzed the causes for their destruction and the existing problems and obstacles in the conservation program and put forward the specific goals and measures of the forest preservation policies
    通过农产调查、林业企业(林场、林产公司)调查、政府行为调查,运用农村参与式评估( pra )等方法,深入四川省、重庆市、贵州省、云南省进行调研,从长江上游地区天然林保护的背景分析入手,剖析了天然林资源破坏的原因和天保工程存在的主要问题及障碍,提出了天然林保护的政策目标和政策措施。
  • This proof following enterprise already through the authentication , and has set up a file in the dongguan 114 nets industry and commerce enterprise database , inquires the more detailed enterprise material , please dial the dongguan enterprise information desk 96060 ( artificially ) 9686810114 billion ( to be automatic ) , this enterprise numbers for 16503
    兹证明东莞凤岗天保花园建造有限公司已通过认证,并已在东莞114网工商企业数据库中备案,查询更详细的企业资料,请拨东莞企业查询台96060 (人工) 9686810114 (自动) ,该企业编号为16503 。
  • The paper indicates that the impact of nfpp upon state - owned forest regions is not only some direct economic losses caused by decreasing or forbidding deforestation , but also some indirect ones rendered by the shrinkage of wood processing industry , enterprise ' s disability to invest in projects of high productivity for lack of fund , and its difficulty in forming new economic growth , etc
  • ( 4 ) the defects in the management system of state - owned forests : the functions of government administration were confused with those of the enterprises ; the enterprises were heavily burdened with various social duties and the government interfered too much in the management of the forestry enterprises while the
    本来森工企业经营状况差,亏损严重,债务负担和社会负担沉重,天保工程的实施,木材产量的大幅度调减,使企业收入减少,大批职工需要转产分流,仅重庆、四) ! 、云南、贵州四省(市)就需转产分流18273 !
  • Aiming at a series of ecological problems ensured from long - term pursuit for pure stand management of phyllostachys pubescens blindly in fujiang province , such as speedingup destruction of natural broad - leaved forest , serious impact on the implementation of natural forest protection engineering , and daily worsening of moso s damage by pests , snow - fall , icebreak , in - depth analysis is given out to inhabit divergences , operation traits , management conditions
  • There are a number of causes for this : ( 1 ) population explosion led to destruction of forests for land reclamation and over - grazing . ( 2 ) misguiding public policies , which manifest themselves in putting too much stress on " taking from the natural resources " and on timber - felling while neglecting " restoration to the natural resources " and re - afforestation , caused inadequate input of funds to afforestation due to the financial difficulties of the state . ( 3 ) the so - called " timber finance " practiced traditionally in the natural forest regions
    天保工程区所有森林作为天然林实施禁伐,片面强调保护,完全忽视合理利用,而在退耕还林(草)中,片面强调经济效益,没有坚持“生态优先”原则; ( 2 )天保工程使当地“木头财政”崩溃,财政收入大幅度减少,新的替代产业和经济增长点培育缺乏资金、技术、政策支持; ( 3 )森工企业转产分流面临众多困难。
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