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  • The first one appealed to his chinese origins and demanded that godber , who had squeezed a lot of money from chinese people , be given a heavy sentence
  • A 10 - disc boxset . yellow river , or huang he , is the second longest river of china and the cradle of the chinese civilizations
  • Always stick with yourself . always be optimistic about life . always cherish your family , girlfriend and friends . and last , always remember you are a chinese
  • The king yu s stone - tablet and tombstone bear epitaphs to show people s respects to the legendary hero - yu the great who was supposed to have performed stupendous feats in controlling flood
  • These descendants of the chinese nation have made significant contributions to the civilization of the human race and the progress of the world with their own efforts and struggles
  • Narrated by do do cheng in cantonese . a 10 - disc boxset . yellow river , or huang he , is the second longest river of china and the cradle of the chinese civilizations
  • 000 years of cultural tradition of the generations of the chinese people of chinese descent . splendid chinese civilization through the vicissitudes of the millennium always warm our souls
  • Xu haifeng won the first gold medal of men ' s 50m pistol ( 60 shots ) in this olympics , which realized the breakthrough of " zero " gold and other medals for chinese people in this olympics
    许海峰在男子手枪慢射比赛中获得本届奥运会的第一块金牌,更实现了炎黄子孙在奥运会上金牌及奖牌“零的突破” 。
  • His immortal poems have been spread all over the world , just like yangtze and yellow river are cleaning the souls of chinese people ; he has been a rare treasure in the library field of the world
  • In the new era , it ' s imminent tusk for every descendant of yan & huang emperor to keep up our nationality and aboriginality of culture in the tide of global cultural integration and nationalization
    新时期,如何在全球文化“一体化” 、 “同质化”的浪潮中守住文化的民族性、本土性,这是每个炎黄子孙面临的迫切任务。
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