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  • Concentrated supply of heat and electricity combination has a great benefit on saving energy , improving environment , raising the quality of heat supply and increasing the electricity supply
  • It is benefit for environmental management and the control of pollutant discharge . the case studies were given in the paper used to compare the fuel consumption , environmental benefit and economy among different gas turbines
  • So a reforming design scheme of the cogeneration of heat and power project is put forward to change fuel from natural gas into coal in the basis of using original equipment
  • Hebi power plant 2 x 600 , 000 kwh of power plant construction started construction phase , 2 x 13 . 5 kwh cogeneration project is to be completed , and at that time the generating capacity will reach 260 million kilowatts
    鹤壁电厂2 60万千瓦时的三期工程已开工建设, 2 13 . 5千瓦时热电联产项目即将完工,届时全市发电装机容量将达到260万千瓦。
  • Heat and electricity cogeneration and concentrated heat supply can realize the project of has the synthetic of saving energy , environmental protection improving the quality of heating and increasing electricity servicing
  • According to thinking relevant to the formulation of the scheme for the project of recovery of waste heat from low - temperature blown gas , the design of a short - type unit with water - cooled walls for co - production of heat and power from subhigh pressure blown gas
  • This paper firstly analysises and discusses methods of load distribution , then confirms the method for the load distribution of cogeneration units , builds up the mathematical model of optimized distribution of heat and electric load
  • ( 3 ) heat economic of the thermoelectricity combination and the benefit to environment protection mainly depend on principle thermoelectricity system ' s conjecture and choice of the main equipment , especially including a boiler style and its heat supply solution and parameters
    ( 3 )热电联产的热经济性和环保效益主要取决于原则性热力系统的拟定及主设备性能的选择,特别是锅炉和供热机组的类型和参数的优选。
  • Then , the different affecting factors are analyzed . at last , the circumstances that how the factors affect diesel - engine two - source heating ( air conditioning ) system , diesel - engine cogeneration system , heating - pump heating system are compared
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