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  • Browsers are software programs residing on your computer that translate hyper text markup language html coded pages into a viewable document
  • Herbert : 3 ) composing 4 ) computer program is like composing music . you use 5 ) computer language just like you use 6 ) notes to 7 ) create one new thing after another
  • We have designed our site to be compatible with most browsers , but we recommend using internet explorer 4 . 0 and above , or netscape 4 . 5 and above as older versions of these browsers are unable to view or support the latest internet technology ( such as dynamic layers , javascript and ssl )
    或以上的版本,因上述浏览器的旧版并未能完全观赏或支援最新的互联网技术(如动感层、爪哇电脑语言javascript及保安接层ssl等) 。
  • Except to the extent required by law or as expressly provided herein , none of the content and or information may be reverse - engineered , modified , amended , reproduced , republished , translated into any language or computer language , re - transmitted in any form or by any means , resold or redistributed without the prior written consent of ups
  • Xml is a new generation of computer language format specially designed for data exchange between computer systems . it facilitates users to develop programs to ingest weather information into their application systems in accordance with their own needs . the weather elements can then be freely distributed and used within their companies or organizations
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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