I stood straight up against the wall , my heart still going like a sledge - hammer , but with a ray of hope now shining in my bosom 我靠墙边站直了身,心还像敲鼓似的咚咚跳,但心中还闪现出一线希望。
I was shopping at a department store and had just boarded the down escalator when i noticed a woman standing to the side 我到一家百货商店买东西,就在我踏上自动扶梯刚要下楼时,突然注意到扶梯边站着一位妇女。
That reminds me , haines said , rising , that i have to visit your national library today . - our swim first , buck mulligan said “这么一说我倒想起来了, ”海恩斯边说边站起身来, “今天我得到你们的国立图书馆去一趟。 ”
The basin was refilled , and this time he stood over it a little while , gathering resolution ; took in a big breath and began 脸盆重新又盛满了水,这一回,他下定决心俯身在脸盆边站了一会,然后深深吸了一口气,就开始洗脸。
Now your best french polish . - thank you very much , mr russell , stephen said , rising . if you will be so kind as to give the letter to mr norman . . “非常感谢你,拉塞尔先生, ”斯蒂芬边站起身来边说, “劳驾请把这封信交给诺曼先生”
When he entered the courtyard of the castle , a beautiful girl was standing there by the well with two golden buckets in her hand , drawing water with them 当他来到城堡的大院时,看见一口井边站着一个漂亮的少女,她正提着两只金桶在井里打水。
For a guinea , stephen said , you can publish this interview . buck mulligan stood up from his laughing scribbling , laughing : and then gravely said , honeying malice 面带笑容正在潦潦草草写着什么的勃克穆利根,这时边笑边站起来,然后笑里藏刀,一本正经地说:
A lot of the fellows that went to the saturady night discos spent more time leaning on the wall or drinking in the bar than tripping the light fantastic and so the girls danced with each other , or got fed up and stopped going 许多去参加周末迪斯科夜总会的人大多数时间不是跳舞,而是靠着墙边站着或者在酒吧间里喝酒,姑娘只好自己搭档跳舞,有的厌倦了干脆不来了。
If it s anybody , and they re up there , let them stay there - who cares ? if they want to jump down , now , and get into trouble , who objects ? it will be dark in fifteen minutes - and then let them follow us if they want to 他边骂边站起来,这时他同伴说: “骂有什么用,要是有人在楼上,就让他呆在上面吧,没人在乎,他们要是现在跳下来找岔,没人反对,一刻钟后天就黑了,愿跟就让他们跟踪好了。
Towards that small and ghostly hour , he rose up from his chair , took a key out of his pocket , opened a locked cupboard , and brought forth a sack , a crowbar of convenient size , a rope and chain , and other fishing tackle of that nature 到了凌晨一两点,也就是幽灵出没的时刻,他才在椅子边站了起来,再从口袋里掏出钥匙,打开柜橱,取出一个口袋,一根大小适中的撬棍,一根带链的绳子和这一类的“渔具” 。