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  • A person who drinks alcoholic substances habitually and to excess or who suffers from alcoholism
  • On average , the female alcoholics in the study had used alcohol for 10 . 6 years , compared to 14 . 8 years for the males
    这项研究中女性酗酒者的平均酗酒期是10 . 6年,而男性平均酗酒期是14 . 8年
  • If a smoker is also a heay drinker , for instance , the risk rises not only for lung cancer but also for other cancers
  • The tests revealed that non - alcoholics trumped the alcoholics , who had been abstinent for three weeks , in a series of computerized tasks
  • There will be tougher measures to curb under - age drinking , and harsher penalties for rowdy venues , but no return to last orders
  • People who abuse alcohol also probably overuse the health care system , and alcoholics constitute a substantial number of medical patients
  • This can take the form of electric shock , exposing the subject to fear producing situations , and the infliction of pain in general
  • Other studies have shown that female drinkers experience accelerated damage to the liver , heart and muscles , compared with male alcoholics , the researchers said
  • But the warned alcoholics should get sober as quick as possible because the longer they continue to drink heavily , the less likely their brains will be able to regenerate
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
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