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  • In another game , as the turtle swims across the oceanarium , the first porpoise swoops down from above and butts his shell with his belly
  • A special quick drying epoxy is poured on the shell . once this epoxy hardens it can not be removed or reshaped , so we have to move fast
  • The fiberglass piece is placed over the sticky epoxy and another layer of epoxy is poured over the fiberglass and rapidly smoothed over the fiberglass
  • Text : all the 6 tortoises weigh over 10 kilograms and judging from the growth rings on their shells , their ages were all above 100 years old and the oldest is possibly 160 years old
  • " a satellite transmitter was attached to the back of a female green turtle by afcd staff after it laid eggs at sham wan , lamma island on august 9 . the released turtle then headed southwestward along the coastline of the south china sea to her feeding ground at a speed of 0 . 5 to 2 kilometres per hour
  • He loved green turtles and hawk - bills with their elegance and speed and their great value and he had a friendly contempt for the huge , stupid loggerheads , yellow in their armor - plating , strange in their love - making , and happily eating the portuguese men - of - war with their eyes shut
    他非常喜爱绿色海龟的玳瑁,它们优雅、敏捷,价值又高,可是他对于庞大而笨拙的红海龟,却有一点善意的轻蔑,它们总是懦弱地缩在装甲似的龟壳里, * *的时候也怪里怪样的,甚至还会陶醉地闭起眼睛吃水母。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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