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  • Next , the dormouse passes a toad with big , golden eyes
  • Said the dormouse indignantly
  • Sixteenth , added the dormouse
  • They lived on treacle , said the dormouse , after thinking a minute or two
    “她们靠吃糖浆生活。 ”睡鼠想了一会儿说。
  • They can t be nice , though they do say as fat as a dormouse
  • I wish you wouldn t squeeze so . said the dormouse , who was sitting next to her
    “我希望你不要挤我,我透不过气来了。 ”
  • " and , then , such as it is , it is filled with dormice , who eat everything .
    “而且,非但不大,还到处都有偷吃一切东西的睡鼠。 ”
  • The dormouse again took a minute or two to think about it , and then said , it was a treacle - well
    ,睡鼠又想了一会,说: “因为那是一个糖浆井。 ”
  • But they were in the well , alice said to the dormouse , not choosing to notice this last remark
    “当然她们是在井里啦, ”睡鼠说, “还在很里面呢。 ”
  • The dormouse is asleep again , said the hatter , and he poured a little hot tea upon its nose
    “睡鼠又睡着了, ”帽匠说着在睡鼠的鼻子上倒了一点热茶。
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