Some electric power equipment station in suizhong , as one of the significant electric power stations in northeast of china , is located on suizhong erosion hills of long - term bulge 摘要绥中某电力设备站是东北地区较重要的电力设施,场址位于长期隆起的绥中剥蚀丘陵上。
Some coal is rich in heavy metals , and burning it in electric power stations , incinerators , steel mills , and motor vehicles may produce air pollution containing the metals 一些煤富含重金属元素,当这些煤在发电站、焚化炉、炼钢厂和机动车里面燃烧时,会造成大气污染,使空气中含有这些重金属元素。
Gas turbine is widely used for generating mechanical power in aviation , navigation and electric power stations . this is a subject discipline developed from advanced science and technology 燃气轮机是广泛应用于航空、船舶、电力、石油等诸多工业领域的高科技动力机械,燃烧室是燃气轮机中一个不可缺少的重要部件。
Thermo - supply parameters is one of the most important information for thermo - electric power station , and must be measured and accumulated everyday , the accuracy of the measured and metering parameters affects power station ' s economic profit directly 供热参数是热电站的重要信息之一,是每天必须统计的重要数据,该参数的测量与计量准确与否直接关系到电站的经济效益。
The enterprises include chongqing iron steel co . , ltd which is a key enterprise at state level , and key enterprises at municipal level , such as chongqing gas company , nantong mining administration , tianfu mining administration , chongqing wujiang electric power co . , ltd , minsheng gas co . , ltd . the projects involved are coal - to - gas , gas emission mitigation , hydro - electric power station , gas emission mitigation in iron steel enterprises , etc . the clinch of the deals should bring about 300 , 000 , 000 rmb to 既包括重钢等国家重点企业,重庆市燃气公司,南桐矿务局,天府矿务局,重庆乌江电力开发公司等市属重点企业,还有民生煤气公司等具有实力的骨干民营企业。这次涉及的项目包括煤改气,煤层气(瓦斯)减排,水力发电,钢铁企业减排等。如能顺利成交,将给重庆市的企业在七年内带来大约三亿元人民币的收入。