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gold reserves

"gold reserves"的翻译和解释


  • The federal gold reserve float balance is controlled by the funds held by the federal gold reserve for the dxmerchant for all the e - currency payment services
  • There are 4 , 134 tons of found gold reserves in china , ranking it no 8 in the world . however , more than 1 , 000 tons are low - grade and hard to smelt
  • Some chinese economists are urging the government to quadruple its gold reserves to 2 , 500 tons from the current 600 tons because the country ' s foreign exchange reserves had become the world ' s largest , an official newspaper reported tuesday
  • One album included the songs which are considered to be the gold reserves of russian pop - music , such as " kings can do everything " , " winter " , " chrysanthemums " , " and the gipsy is going " , " the bird of happiness " and much more
  • In order to make sustainable development of gold industry in china countermeasures should be taken in future , such as strengthening exploration for increment of minable gold reserves , enhancing geoscience researches for seizing large - superlarge gold deposits , strengthening gold mineral resources management for scientific and reasonable utilization of gold mineral resources
  • Execute floating rate to make the wave motion that is helpful for carrying exchange rate adjust economy , also be helpful for promoting international trade , especially below the situation that the foreign currency of centrally bank and gold reserve can ' t keep fixed exchange rate , execute floating rate to make relatively advantageous to economy , also can ban illegal foreign currency blackmarket to trade at the same time , but floating rate makes the stability that goes against domestic economy and international economy impact , activity of meeting aggravate economy
  • Gold reserve in china is characterized by wide and relatively concentrated distribution , large number of medium - small deposits and small number of large - superlarge deposits , slightly lower grade , big proportion of the micro disseminated deposits , large volume and important value of by - product gold and close association of gold and silver
  • “ china should raise its gold reserves so those reserves can account for 3 percent to 5 percent of the foreign exchange reserves , instead of current 1 . 3 percent , ” the china gold quoted liu shanen , an expert at beijing gold economy development research center , as telling a conference
    “中国应当增加黄金储备,使其黄金储备从目前占外汇储备的1 . 3 %上升到占外汇储备的3 %至5 % , ”这是《中国黄金报》援引北京黄金经济发展研究中心的专家刘山恩(音)在一次研讨会上说的话。
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