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  • Better you come from earth or krypton ( where superman came from ) , nether mars nor mercury
    你最好来自地球或者克里普顿(超人家乡) ,别是火星或水星。
  • The surroundings reminded me of the final scene in the superman movie where clark flys back to krypton
  • Standard test method for determination of low surface area of catalysts by multipoint krypton adsorption
  • The movie begins with superman ' s failed search for krypton . it ends with a different lesson : krypton lives
  • Superman returns from a five - year journey to krypton to find paramour lois lane is now a mother who is about to be married
  • After eliminating general zod the other kryptonian arch - villains , ursa non , superman leaves earth to try to find his former home world of krypton
  • After eliminating general zod the other kryptonian arch - villains , ursa non , superman leaves earth to try to find his former home world of krypton after astronomers have supposedly found it
    ,超人花了五年时间在宇宙寻找自己的家,重回他成长的地球时,却发现一切己经改变. .
  • Last june astronomers reported the discovery of krypton ' s real - life counterpart , a planet orbiting a red dwarf called gliese 876 , about 15 light - years from our sun
  • Since the advent of nuclear power generation , huge amounts of radioactive xenon 135 , krypton 85 and other inert gases that nuclear plants generate have been released into the atmosphere
    由于核能发电的盛行,大量的放射性氙135 、氪85和其它由核能电厂所产生的惰性气体,都被排放到大气层中。
  • Inert gases such as xenon and krypton will travel downwind while diluting rapidly . some of the volatile substances , such as iodine , caesium and tellurium , will have already condensed into particles by the time they reach the atmosphere
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