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tim duncan

"tim duncan"的翻译和解释


  • The minnesota timberwolves ' kevin garnett leads all western conference forwards with 453 , 536 votes , followed by san antonio ' s tim duncan ( 423 , 228 )
    明尼苏达森林狼的凯文加内特以453536张得票领先所有西部联盟前锋,排名第二的是圣安东尼奥马刺的蒂姆邓肯( 423228选票) 。
  • The water bottle - throwing was an altercation , and tim duncan was not in the vicinity of his bench . the league should review this incident and suspend duncan for game 6
  • In the past 14 years , only one no . 1 pick made his team instantly competitive : tim duncan , who joined a contender that had slipped only because of injuries
  • Express - news - rick adelman divided his practice sessions into two parts ; stopping tony parker and manu ginobili from penetrating and the other part was simply tim duncan
  • With the imminent demise of shaq looming and no other serious big - man centers ( remember tim duncan is a “ power forward ” ) , his path to immortality should be relatively easy
    随着即将到来的沙克的让位,而且没有其他出色的中锋(记住蒂姆?邓肯是一个大前锋) ,他通往“不朽声名” (还永垂不朽呢- - )的轨迹会变得容易许多。
  • New york ( ap ) - - san antonio forward tim duncan made his 10th straight nba all - defensive first team wednesday , and spurs teammate bruce bowen was the top vote - getter in being selected for the seventh time
  • Sometimes i have to remind myself that even though per doesn ' t take into account tim duncan ' s or bryant ' s defense and leadership , it is perhaps the most objective single statistic available
  • But the first trimester says otherwise , even with at least five serious co - candidates in the west alone : dirk nowitzki , kobe bryant , tim duncan , yao ming and the gate - crashing carlos boozer
  • I know that team was poorly put together , but it still had two mvps ( allen iverson and tim duncan ) and the four best young players in the world in lebron james , amare stoudemire , dwyane wade and carmelo anthony
    尽管在组建球队时有些仓促,但毕竟队中还有艾弗森和邓肯两位mvp ,以及詹姆斯、斯塔德迈尔、韦德和安东尼这些在世界篮坛都屈指可数的年轻球员。
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