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  • The qi army then decamped and headed straight for pingling . as it approached the region , general tian asked sun bin , “ how should we fight this battle
    于是,齐军拔营,直趋平陵。快到平陵时,田忌召见孙膑问道: “仗应该如何打呢? ”
  • Following monday ' s visit to the yasukuni shrine , beijing and seoul each summoned the japanese ambassador to their country to denounce the visit
  • Next day the emperors gentleman - in - waiting , count de turenne , came to balashov with a message that it was the emperor napoleons pleasure to grant him an audience
  • Other issues which caused people to snack more during the day included having a row with a colleague , meeting the boss , missing a deadline or losing keys
    此外,引起人们爱吃零食的原因还包括,与同事吵架被老板召见工作未能按时完成或者丢失钥匙等。 ”
  • He still believed the king would see the truth , but he was no longer summoned . he was so depressed that he couldn ' t sleep at night
  • Earlier wednesday , the mayor of kashiwazaki summoned the head of tokyo electric and ordered him to keep the nuclear plant closed until its safety is ensured
  • His cd is a special recording of master s talk in chinese while she met with formosan and chinese initiates during the four - day christmas retreat at the florida center
  • Later , she sees the working staff members and offers love to them . then she takes care of the attendants around her . only after the closest attendants are well taken care of will she rest
  • Our compassionate master expressed deep love for these innocent and lively little angels ; she not only received them in person , but even invited them to play with the pets at her house
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